Honorary members who accepted membership between 2000 – 2005:
- Walter Rochel -Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to the SR
- Douglas C. Hengel - Chargé d affairs , Embassy of the USA to the SR
- Mikuláš Dzurinda, Prime Minister of the SR
- Ivan Mikloš, Deputy Prime Minister of the SR of the Economics
- Mária Kadlečíková, Deputy Prime Minister of the SR of the European Integration
- Eduard Kukan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the SR
- Miroslav Adamiš, General Director of the Section for European Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs SR
- Milan Kňažko - Minister for Culture of the SR
- Mária Machová - Minister for Administration and Privatisation of National Property
- Ján Figeľ - State Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the SR
- Jozef Pivarči - State Secretary of Defence of the SR
- František Šebej - Chairman of the Committee on European Integration, National Council of the SR
- Ruth Dreifuss - Head of the Department of Home Affairs, Switzerland
- Pavol Rusko, Chairman of the ANO (Alliance of the New Citizen)
- Robert Fico, Chairman of SMER
- Bela Bugár, Chairman of SMK ( Hungarian Coalition Party)
- Jozef Pivarči - Vice-Minister for Defence
- Ján Klepáč - Director Budget and Administration Division, Office of the President of the SR
- Manfred Scharpf - author of the Project for Europe - Return of the Heart, Germany
- Manfred A. Konnes, ARTON CONSULTING, Germany
- Gabriele Matzner, Ambassador of Austria to the Slovak Republic
- Juraj Stern, Paneuropean union
- Bernard Posselt, President of the Paneuropean Union - Germany
- Jean Van Calck - Bourgamaster of the L Ilot Sacré, Brussels
- Italo Serra, Secretary of the Commune Libre de L Ilot Sacré, Brussels
- František Lipka, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Brussels
- Manfred A. Konnes, ARTON CONSULTING, Germany
- Damian Roderic Todd, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Slovakia
- Ronald Weiser, Ambassador of the U.S.A.
- Estanislao de Grandes Pascual Ambassador of the Spanish Kingdom
- Ivan Korčok, general director, division of the international organisations and security policy of the ministry of the international affairs
- Ján Voderadský, ambassador of the Slovak republic to Spanish Kingdom
- Otto von Habsburg, president of the Paneuropean Union
- Günter Verheugen, commissar of the European Commission
- Rastislav Káčer, state secretary of the ministry of defence of the SR
- Berno Kjeldsen, ambassador of the Danish Kingdom to SR
- Charles Goerens MP, Minister of Cooperation, Humanniare aid, Defense and Environment, Luxembourg
- Helmuth Kohl, Ex-Primer Minister of the SRN
- Rodolphe M. Vallee, Ex-Ambassador of the U.S.A.
- Zhang Yong
- Li Xiao Jeng
- Rao Jun
- Luc Stuer
- Pim van Druten
- Eiichi Ishikawa
- Usui Yoshimi
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